few days ago... i was lucky enough to get to have the chance to go to one of the buzzing it place to go to.... JOGOYA. It's a japanese buffet style restaurant at the posh spot of kl, starhill gallery. Tht's right... the food does rili come around n give me a kick in the SSS.
(A.K.A kick as food)

no... this is not a symbol of love n affection nor it is something tht resembles a couple.
it is a clip wit ur table number on it so tht they noe where to send the food to...
some food needs to be cooked b4 serve. u juz give them tht cute thing they'll serve u later on.

yep... fresh is wat it spells in this pic.

it's like the hybrid of goin to market n havin dinner.
(the best thing is tht it is buffet, u can eat all u can!!)

erm... i 4got what was the dishes name... haha... i din even have the time to take a decent photo. 99.99% of the time i'm unleashing my monster mouth on the food. i can't resist it la... i think the silver plate is fish head, then the china contains soft shell crab n lobster wit mayonaise. the white beverage is a coctail called fair lady n the wine glass is white wine.

the variety of food is wide, i juz take one each yet i din manage to taste all the foods there.

this 1 is cheesebaked oyster, and abalone slice, there is fresh uncooked oyster (i juz swallow it, i cant bliv i ate it raw!) make me feels like MR.Bean.

top to down, choc mousse cake, french pudding, coffee pudding, belgium choc cake, on the right is choc tiramisu (it's biten by me bcoz it provoke me to do so juz b4 i wanna take some pic).

other than haagen-dazs, they also serve gellatomio n baskin robins. OMFG~ this makes the world wonderful.

after eat so much, must go toilet la... tht thing bside the toilet bowl gets my attention most... haha... it has the function of washing the u noe wat! with the selection of warm or cold water, tiny or big splash n last but not least, flush.

ya... this is me. after goin toilet. tht's all folks~
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