Thursday, October 23, 2008

I'm really scared

This afternoon when I was looking back at my pictures folders, as I was looking back at some of the photos, I discovered something odd in the photo. I don't know whether it's my eye, or my screen that blur my sane mind.

Look carefully under the wording "2A - 8" on the right hand side of the photo

For your convenience, I've cropped it so you can judge it by yourself

Here is another one, look carefully at the right hand side of the photo at the proton iswara

Then I found this photo (click to enlarge)

p.s. : if you feel really sien and have nothing to do, please email these photos to all the contacts in your address book with the title "Ghost at OneU carpark".

p.p.s.: remember to put in the email asking them to forward to at least 50 people so the ghost won't appear in their window.

p.p.p.s.: we might become famous.


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