Haha...duly noted=)
1st...i would like to reiterate on what ephrpaim said...yup...what he say is tru..it was my baseless assumption on my part...well,its never too late to change=P...
If it fits into ephpraim's argument just now..let's just put it this way...politics are never clean...they promise u 100 and fulfill 1 if ur lucky...im speaking bout the majority of politician...to not neglect on other politician's contribution, i would like to give me best compliments to politician who adhere to their promise...
However, the 8th March result was kinda shocking to me...as i thought the BN would win the federal government and the state government easily except Kelantan and Terengganu. It was rather shocking to see that Perak, Selangor, Kedah and Pulau Pinang lost to the opposition. The dissatisfied voice of the people in the election may i say speak such a volume that BN actually just won parliament by a simple vote. Haha...now that's interesting...simply,i hate politics=P and never respect politics.(sorry man^^")Now,if you cant recognise the dude here...let me brief you on who he is,
He is a man of vision to come out with Wawasan 2020, this is the man who instead of borrowing money from the World Bank(which charge a damn high interest-which is why indonesia is as bankrupt as it is) created a independent body and action to bring inflation and declining economic growth in our country to a halt. His tenure as a PM had down the years too criticised by ex-PM, but produce justification through result.Politically, a day like "March 8,2008" had never happened in this man tenure as UMNO president and Prime minister. You should had figure that out already. Dr M. Ma man.=)
Poor Dr M been scrutinize left and right. Let me ask you this, what is Dr M to gain if he critisiced the government or PM? he's definitely not gonna get extra money and trying to get something extra out of the political world. Dude, the guy had a heart operation recently. The last thing he would wanna see b4 he goes 6 feet under would be a country that he tried to put onto the map and succeeding in doing so, 'self-detonate' itself from the map and back to square 1 all over again. This is not bout politics, this is bout having a better country. Why not take the good out of what Dr M preached and try reflect on yourself in the mirror on the bad side of what he said? it wont harm any1.
Besides, he has the pedigree of such magnitude as a PM that i believe what he have to say has his own justification. So, why not listen. Pak Lah is not bad a man himself. But sometimes, you would just wonder why is it that crisis happened in his tenure? what is broken, needed to be fix. I believe that although all this, Pak Lah still have much to offer to our country, a man of his country himself. But den again, Dr M's view should not be discredited but should not be influential.
But who m i to ask any1 to do this type of thing. Its just my say=P. Hope ISA wont take me to jail for this=P...
I promise i'll be good...hehe
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