Bloggin was never in my mind until i saw some politician starting up their own blog after the March 8 2008 incident..It started with the ex-selangor MB Dr Khir Toyo, some of you may start scratching your head wondering who the heck is dis guy...erm, some of dem would regard him as a 'jerk', but..i dare not comment further on him (later ISA tangkap) cuz I dun really know him until last year when he became de 'buah mulut' of Malaysian for presenting penyapu(broom) to his subordinates in front of the public for failing to collect assessment above the 50% mark required...(do i need any citation or referencing here?)dats de best part of blogging where no referencing is required,unlike our shitty university assignment...Yeah..dats de guy i'm talkin about Dr Khir Toyo presenting de penyapu....
Ok now lets talk about introduction of me in de previous post was wrongla.but some of it kinda true like the one saying i'm smart=)its undeniablela...but de one saying i'm rich was totally wrong man..To be frank i'm not a rich guy, but rather to be called as 'you qian'....which means got money..however, the money i got is never enuffla...i got 10 dollar also called 'you qian' rite??so i'm 'you qian'=)...and calculative...any proof to support dis statement???i dun think so man,how would you say i'm calculative when i'm juz trying to get bak my own money..and i know wat you thinking gonna say i charge you interest when i lend money to you rite??hmm..yeah,i said dat before but did i really charge you for late payment??no rite..cmon dudez...i'm quite generous...HAHAHAHA...and 1 more thing bout me...i love 'cha sau fan' man, damn chun..cant wait to go back n eat..chicken rice is also in my list, especially de one in foh sang,can add rice for free lagi tu...erm to de GALS out there, i have a bad news for you all cuz i'm no longer available as someone has taken me..sad rite??hmm..too bad!!!i wont tell you who's dat lucky gal is cuz i'm afraid dat some of you may b jealous at her, go crazy and beat her up...see how protective am I!!!hahahahahahaha
And now presenting myself to you, Ephpraim Lee
1 comments:'re so protective! *touched..POKE!
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