The issue on Pulau Batu Puteh, Middle Rocks and South Ledge...ridiculous...
The International Court of Justice had finally gave its verdict on the 3 island rock after it was heard and listen upon from both counsels of Malaysia and Republic of Singapore...
On the fact why we lost i think as the point of the strongest argument by Malaysia was on the issue that it belong to the Johor Sultanate...justified but failed...WHY? a start,per pg 21of the ICJ judgment on this matter...
51. Singapore has offered no further specific evidence to substantiate its claim relating to the status of Pedra Branca/Pulau Batu Puteh as terra nullius prior to the construction of the lighthouse on it in 1847. Instead, it emphasizes that Malaysia, for its part, has submitted hardly any evidence to prove that the Sultanate of Johor had indeed effective control in the region, and specifically over the island of Pedra Branca/Pulau Batu Puteh. Singapore, quoting from the official 1949 Annual Report published by the Government of the State of Johor, according to which by the beginning of the nineteenth century “the old empire was in a state of dissolution”, concludes that “[t]his was the political condition of the Sultanate in 1819 when the British arrived in Singapore, and on the eve of the signing of the Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1824”.
The court found that the Sultan of Johore indeed had title over this island...per pg 36-
117. In the light of the foregoing, the Court concludes that Malaysia has established to the satisfaction of the Court that as of the time when the British started their preparations for the construction of the lighthouse on Pedra Branca/Pulau Batu Puteh in 1844, this island was under the sovereignty of the Sultan of Johor.
however...arguably...we won it on historical proof...but...
“Malaysia could somehow show an historic title over the island, Singapore would still possess sovereignty over Pedra Branca since Singapore has exercised continuous sovereignty over the island while Malaysia has done nothing”...this was 1 of Singapore contention...which prove to vital after this failure of Malaysia to 'act' on the island...per pg 73
The Court does consider as significant in Singapore’s favour the inclusion of Horsburgh lighthouse as a “Singapore” Station in the 1959 and 1966 reports and its omission from the 1967 Malaysian report
Furthermore...per pg 75...which is the most significant...
The Court is of the opinion that the relevant facts, including the conduct of the Parties, previously reviewed and summarized in the two preceding paragraphs, reflect a convergent evolution of the positions of the Parties regarding title to Pedra Branca/Pulau Batu Puteh. The Court concludes, especially by reference to the conduct of Singapore and its predecessors à titre de souverain, taken together with the conduct of Malaysia and its predecessors including their failure to respond to the conduct of Singapore and its predecessors, that by 1980 sovereignty over Pedra Branca/Pulau Batu Puteh had passed to Singapore.
So Malaysia can only blame themself for slow in action...Singapore 'kiasu'ness of improving the island had prove to serve in favour of them...
However, Singapore had title ovr Pulau Batu Puteh now...u might wonder...what is so significant about that small rock?
well.its not bout that rock, but its resulting expanded territorial waters...the law is that 24 miles of the out of the country's coastal land is ders to by getting Pulau Batu Putih, Singapore practically expanded their territorial waters an extra 24 miles...oil,fishing and nature gases and resources are now for Singapore to exploit...and reclaim...As for Malaysia...all we got is this group of rock...and an extended coastal waters...
which is good for the fisherman and all...
but now arises the bout South Ledge?Now...the answer to this is the court dint not choose to resolve this matter entirely and subsequently left it for malaysia n singapore to remedy out a solution as whose coastal waters is that piece of rock in belongs to that respective new squabble...we now have to negotiate with Singapore in this piece of rock now....^^"...ridiculous?
Not so considering the territorial water we can get out of it....
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