Yoyo~ this is my first time blogging
nervous la tu...
but nvm... monkeys is owez supportive.
so i'm gonna support this blog wit my most recent trip to..... where else can u find fresh strawberry in Malaysia??(Cameron highlands la....)

ya... this is me doin donno wat to the strawberry~
Talking about strawberry.... i'm not a strawberry fan myself... but visiting one of the strawberry farm in CH changes my mind~ u see....

the strawberry waffle taste so gud~

followed by strawberry yogurt.... oso 1 of the best~

oOooo..... this is my (Syok Sendiri) face chompin on a kick SSSS Scones~

All of these food is juz below RM15.... i think okla~ juz have fun n enjoy....
After eat what can u do in cameron le??

take some pics wit ma homies~ Dawg is wearin the same color shirt wit me! (Beyotch stole my look)

flower watching... loads of colourful flower~

improving my defends skills~ who knows when i need 2 hide from somebody... Bollywood movies actor oso like this... maybe i can be a Bollywood star someday!!!

fish likes joyce....

fish hates kegan...(owned)

waw~ u can even find this thing? (the world is getting irrelevant now) juz kidding...
After scouting around... it's time to get down n DirTayyy~

Stalking some1 wit a pile of strawberries~ actually juz pick strawberries... one of the famous activity in cameron.

after tht... dinner is steamboat.... u can oni find it at Brinchang~ 2pax rm23. very cheap~

The following day, we went to Kea Farm...
wit this old skool taxi.

As u can c, other than stalking, i oso loves shopping (Stalking n Shopping it rymes).
U can buy loads of fruits n vegetables in kea farm.

then, went to butterfly farm juz to compare between the 1 at penang n cameron.
i would say the butterfly farm in cameron is better bcoz.....

the bug is making love

the chameleons are moking love oso... in groups!
Basically, there r more critters... so there is more love making fun tht i can watch.

the flower is much nicer...

wit this humongous cactus...
Time is running out.... we din manage to go to the tea plantation... sigh~

but we do manage 2 buy some strawberry tea tough.... it taste great oso...

After getting home, tamatlah riwayat cameron vegetables in this burger.... made by my lovely joyce~
All in all, Whole trip cost less than RM300
300??for 2 day 1 nite or a day oni??
yup 2day 1 nite. actually 200 oso enuf lo... coz i use taxi alot~
wa...so cheap de a..den next time i go there gonna ask some tips from you delo
no problem~
oi keegan my man...need the tips ASAP=p
wat tips?
wat do u wanna noe? the hotel? the places of interest? or the budget?
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